Springboards, 2018
Springboards was a project where we explored five springboards over five weeks: Social Objects, Time, "British sign Language Looks Like a Chord Sound", Language and Memory. We Were linked with Leeway Productions for this project, they are a musical thretre company based in Wales who focus on creating accessible productions that allow a new audience to experience something different. The week we explore the title "British sign Language Looks Like a Chord Sound" we went to a rehearsal of Leeways productions of "The Last Five Years", a musical that incorporated sign language into the production through the use of dance. The performance was accessible to D/deaf, deafened and hard of hearing audience members.
For this project I chose to explore the springboard of Time and focus on Memento Mori through the decaying of a pear in a mixture of different medias; acrylic on tile, acrylic on foam and needle felting on burlap. We also had to create a visual of our journey throughout the project.